Horse Training
I provide two different options of training as of now: horse starting and tune-ups. All horses will be on a balanced schedule of groundwork as well as under-saddle work. I am a firm believer that what they are taught on the ground correlates directly to what they know under saddle. My goal as both a trainer and equestrian, is to set each and every horse up for success in any discipline in the best way possible. Not every horse learns in the same way or timeframe, and that will be reflected in the training plan that is agreed upon by both myself and the owner. All horses will leave with the ability and confidence to be taken in any direction.
2025 Prices and Options
Five Rides/Week: $1150
Four Rides/Week: $1000
Three Rides/Week: $870
*Includes boarding fees and services
Fives Rides/Week: $800
Four Rides/Week: $640
Three Rides/Week: $480
Boarding Services
*All Onsite training includes following boarding services as well.
Hay fed AM and PM: flake orchard/clover mix, flake alfalfa (can provide more hay at Owner's expense)
Grain and supplements (provided by owner) given AM and/or PM
Turnout if stalled
Blanketing during winter
Stalls cleaned daily, pastures cleaned every other day
Waters scrubbed four times a week
Fly spray and sunscreen provided
Weekly bathing and braiding done upon request
Haul Outs
*Prices will change based on location
$35 base price (within a 15-mile distance.) $5 added for every additional 10 miles
Alfalfa: $18/bale
Orchard: $15/bale
Oat: $12/bale